A tempest rages within. The swirling waves of loss drowning my will. The blasting winds of grief silence my cries. An eternity gone. A life destroyed. Oh God let it end! Let the continued torture of my exitstance cease for those I love! I run blindly into the street. Exhausted mentally, spiritually, physically... I collapse. Strangly a voice calls, begging me to rise. I push it away. No more. I won't hurt another again! I will myself to stone, immovable... unlovable. Two lights suddenly appear. The roar of an engine. The impact sends me flying, slamming into the ground with bone crunching surety. Again the lights, the roar. Struck again and tumbled beneath the vehicle. Burning, scrapping the flesh from my bones as I am dragged for what seems an eternity. Finally released I roll to a stop. Barely conscious I pull myself to safety, unaware that my arms are broken, my legs unable to move. There are people now, surrounding me, giving aid in attempts to save the life I no longer want. "Father, please, let me come home!" cries every fiber of my being. Darkness... Years have past now. I've adjusted to being here. Does He want me? Not yet, but I'll wait. Someday I'll get to go home. November 13, 2000 SharayaKai